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Gaudium Vestrum: Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral
ISSN : 2549581X     EISSN : 2777063X     DOI : -
Gaudium Vestrum: Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral adalah jurnal pree-review yang diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda, terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan penelitian dan kajian bidang Pendidikan Keagamaan Katolik/Kateketik dan Pastoral.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "VOL. 4, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2020" : 5 Documents clear
Implementasi Penilaian Sikap Spiritual dan Sikap Sosial Pada Kurikulum 2013 Agustina Pitriyani; Simon Devung; Nikolaus Anggal
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 4, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi penilaian sikap spiritual dan sikap sosial yang dilakukan oleh guru bidang studi Pendidikan Agama Katolik dan Budi Pekerti di SDN 014 Barong Tongkok Kampung Juaq Asa, yang mencakup perencanaan, pelaksanaan, tindak lanjut, dan pengolahan implementasi penilaian sikap spiritual dan sikap sosial. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh implementasi penilaian sikap spiritual dan sikap sosial terhadap sikap siswa-siswi yang mengikuti pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Katolik dan Budi Pekerti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Guru Agama Katolik telah melaksanakan implementasi penilaian sikap spiritual dan sikap sosial meskipun masih ditemukan beberapa kekurangan pada teknik penilaian. Implementasi penilaian sikap spiritual dan sikap sosial tersebut juga memberikan pengaruh terhadap sikap siswa-siswi yang mengikuti pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Katolik dan Budi Pekerti.
Tinjauan Teologi Moral Keutamaan Atas Kejahatan Padre Amaro (dalam Film The Crime of Padre Amaro) Zakeus Daeng Lio
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 4, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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This paper elaborates the Writer’s views on the crime committed by a Roman Catholic Priest as showed in the film entitled The Crime of Padre Amaro. The crime proceeded from the Priest’s closeness to a girl named Amelia, one of his Church members, advanced to mutual love and affection between them, accompanied with sexual relation as a husband and wife, until Amelia got pregnant, and was forced by Padre Amaro to have an abortion, which ended with Amelia’s death because of the abortion. The views on the crime are posed by the Writer from the perspectives of Principal Moral Theology, by elaborating some principal moral value judgements on Padre Amaro’s treatments towards Amelia. For the purpose the Writer is doing his best to show all the principal moral value aspects violated by Padre Amaro in the entire range of his unfavourable deeds. An explanation of the Holy Church views of Padre Amaro’s deeds are also briefly provided by the Writer. Drawing lesson learned from the violation and crime conducted by Padre Amaro, the Writer suggests some recommended measures that should be taken so that we will not fall into the same faults. Amongst them are Cultivating Conscience, Understanding and Considering Values in all our actions, and Holistic Sexuality Education.
Bentuk Persiapan Perkawinan Keluarga Katolik di Stasi Betlehem Sekolaq Joleq Yesepa; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya; Fabianus Sidi
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 4, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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The purpose of this study is to describe the form of coaching in the family and in the church experienced by married couples in the preparation of a Catholic family marriage. This study uses a qualitative descriptive type with the method of documentation, observation and interviews. Sources of data obtained from the study site, the results of the documentation by looking at evidence of a marriage certificate of a married couple. Observation by looking at the daily life of the family. Interview with a married couple. The results showed that the form of coaching in the family and in the church that was carried out, during childhood and adolescence, married couples almost never received an explanation of the differences between men and women, reproduction, dating and marriage. Only a few parents explain but not openly.
Teori Sosial Karl Marx dan Taoisme: Jalan Alamiah Menuju Kebebasan Hilario Didakus Nenga Nampar
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 4, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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Cara Marx mendekati pelbagai pertanyaan tersebut merangkum dan mempertajam apa yang sudah menjadi arah pemikiran kaum Hegelian Muda lainnya: sudah tiba saatnya agar filsafat menjadi praktis. Maka tahap itu berarti: filsafat Hegel perlu disangkal secara dialektis. Tesis Hegel bahwa filsafatnya adalah pengetahuan absolut harus disangkal oleh tindakan praktis sehingga totalitas sungguh-sungguh tercapai jika filsafat menjadi kekuatan praktis, kekuatan yang nyata-nyata mengubah dunia Berangkat dari latar belakang di atas, penulis ingin menyajikan pemikiran Marx yang berusaha membawa dan mempraksiskan pengetahuan absolut Hegel ke ranah praksis sosial. Selain itu, penulis juga berusaha untuk mempertemukan pemikiran Marx ini dengan konsep filsafat timur Taoisme sebagai jalan kebebasan. Di akhir tulisan ini, penulis akan memberikan beberapa relevansi pemikiran Marx dan Taoisme.
Liturgical Education of Children in Catholic Church Silpanus Silpanus
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 4, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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The Church should give special attention to children, especially those who were baptized as infants. It would be good for the Church to take advantage of the time that children are being prepared for First Communion and Confession to give them appropriate liturgical education. Moreover, children who have received their First Communion should not yet be left on their own but continue to be accorded diligent pastoral care by the local Church because at this stage and in many cases children thrive in an atmosphere that is less favorable for spiritual progress. Liturgical education and formation intended for children can be very challenging especially during these present times that parents are oftentimes not capable of providing a sustained liturgical experience and exposure to their children. Parents usually relegate to the parish and to the Catholic schools whatever amount and kind of liturgical education can possibly be given to today’s children.

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